Razor Archive Series: Gillette Old Type Bulldog Safety Razor

Razor Archive Series: Gillette Old Type Bulldog Safety Razor

28th Jun 2018

Razor Archive

Gillette Old Type

Bulldog Safety Razor


Weight: 63g 2.2oz

Handle Length: 2 7/8"

Material: Stamped Brass

Plating: Silver, Gold, Nickel for Military Sets

Common Problems: Bent Teeth, Patina

Rarity Scale: 3.5 out of 5

The Gillette Bulldog is a beautiful razor that has provided the framework for many 'modern' razors sold today. The stocky handle, generous grip, and hefty weight are copied time and time again. This razor provides an interesting view into the earlier years of Gillette, they began marketing a "manly" razor with its barber pole design and better balance. 

We see this trend continue throughout Gillette's history and even today they utilize a machismo touch when selling the newest razor gear. During this time period the USA breaks its neutrality and enters WWI. While never government contracted, men could purchase a Bulldog Military set in a Khaki Fabric with Nickel plated Bulldog. Please watch the video below to learn more!