Razor Archive Series: Gillette New Improved Standard Bostonian Richwood Chippendale Algonquin Traveller Safety Razor
9th Nov 2018
Gillette New Improved
Standard Safety Razor
Handle Length: 3.25"
Material: Stamped Brass
Plating: Silver & Gold
Common Problems: Hairline Crack in Handle
Rarity Scale: 4 out of 5
The Gillette Old Type style razor had dominated the commercial shaving world and revolutionized how the consumer thought about shaving. The patents were expiring finally and competitor shaving companies' mouths were watering at the thought of going head to head with the industry giants.
However, in true Gillette mastery they had a plan that would allow them to keep their stronghold on the $5-$75 razor market and also dominate the $1 razor models. This allowed Gillette to sell the new 'improved' design to existing Gillette customers while selling their original expired patent with the respect of the Gillette name the competitors could never recreate. Why buy a knock off when you can have a genuine Gillette for the same price?
The video above contains the story of how the Gillette company broke the news to the worried salesman and the impact the $2,000,000 advertising budget made on the history of man!