Thiers-Issard Straight Razor Brand Spotlight
Posted by Marissa Neel on 23rd Mar 2017

This French family-run business got its start in the family forge in France. In 1870 Pierre Thiers started as an apprentice to a master razor maker and after twenty four years in the trade he had mastered the art well enough to become famous among the cognoscenti and connoisseurs of fine cutlery. In 1884 Pierre Thiers established his own forge and named his factory Thiers-Issard combining his last name and that of his wife as a way to differentiate himself from the rest of the family who owned similar businesses. From 1884 until his death in 1929 Pierre Thiers worked in his forge and died, reportedly, at work.
The Products:
Thiers-Issard is a cutlery company specializing in high-end cutlery and fine straight razors. Their reputation is dependable and impressive. Every Thiers-Issard straight razor is made from Sheffield Silver Steel blanks. Ground and tempered to the highest quality standards, they specialize in legendary singing blades. These Carbonsong cutthroats are truly incredible. We've recently added several models of Thiers-Issard straight razor in various scales, widths, and material.
Who Should Try It:
Wet shavers looking to purchase a straight razor they can pass down through future generations should definitely consider Thiers-Issard. Straight razor novice or beginners can also enjoy the learning curve with a 5/8" hollow ground round tip straight razor they can be confident will last the rest of their lives, and then some! These cutthroats come in a variety of shapes and sizes so anyone can find a material/pattern they love! Modern made straight razors that are high quality, traditional, and gorgeous are hard to come by. Luckily, this 133yr old company has no plans on going anywhere.