Available is a handsome Valet Auto Strop Single Edge razor set. The razor set is from the days when disposable blades were still new- these blades are no longer available but you can modify existing blades to fit! Auto Strop was founded in 1906 and acquired by Gillette in the 1930's.
Included is original razor & case. Everything works and is mechanically sound - you don't often see them in this nice of condition. These are great shavers and collectibles alike.
Country of Manufacture: NY, USA
Type: Single Edge Razor
Finish: Original Nickel
Date: 1930's
Condition: Cleaned, Sanitized
Grade: Good
Imperfections: small scratches, normal wear throughout
Included: Razor, case
History: Valet Auto Strop was one of the biggest names in single edge razors at the beginning of the 20th century- so much so that Gillette purchased them to cut down on competition to the new DE format.